Install Internet Explorer on Fedora Core 8

Before you start you'll need to make sure you have wine and cabextract installed:
# yum -y install wine cabextract

Then just download the latest script, extract and run it.

The example below is based on version 2.0.5 ;

$ gtar xzvf ies4linux-2.0.5.tar.gz
$ cd ies4linux-2.0.5
$ ./ies4linux
Welcome, greg! I'm IEs4Linux.
I can install IE 6, 5.5 and 5.0 for you easily and quickly.
You are just four 'enter's away from your IEs.

I'll ask you some questions now. Just answer y or n (default answer is the bold one)

IE 6 will be installed automatically.
Do you want to install IE 5.5 SP2 too? [ y / n ] y
IEs 4 Linux installations finished!

To run your IEs, type:


2 Responses to "Install Internet Explorer on Fedora Core 8"

Anonymous said... November 14, 2008 at 9:24 AM

I never knew this could happen . Thanks a lot for the tutorial .
But the package does not have IE 7 .

JUNED KAZI said... December 25, 2008 at 10:03 AM


The developers of this package have come up with a beta version for IE 7.
You can check it out at

Hope it helps

Juned Kazi